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Custom Quantum Dots Conjugation

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  • Overview

    Service Number£ºASZX004

    Quantum dots, as a new type of inorganic fluorescent nanomaterial, have the advantages of wide and continuous excitation spectra, narrow and symmetrical emission spectra, good photostability, long fluorescence lifetime, and relatively high quantum yield. They can be applied in various fields such as life sciences, optical imaging, and lighting materials, and have unique application advantages in cell labeling and in vivo tracking imaging.Quantum Dots Conjugation mainly involves coupling drugs or other functional small molecules, antibodies, sugar small molecules, etc. onto the surface of quantum dots to improve their water solubility, stability, and biocompatibility, and endow quantum dots with more functions such as targeted therapy and drug release.Abvigen provides customized Custom Quantum Dots Conjugation services to customers, using various types of Quantum Dots to form strong bonds with antibodies, proteins, or other biomolecules.

    Abvigen can provide the following methods for attaching biological ligands to Quantum Dots: NHS-EDC method and Biotin-Streptomycin method. The NHS-EDC method utilizes EDC and NHS reagents to activate the surface of Quantum Dots and bind to proteins. This method has the advantages of mild reaction conditions, good biocompatibility, minimal impact on biomolecules, and relatively single products. This method has strong controllability and can effectively reduce the impact of steric hindrance on the structure of conjugated proteins. The Biotin-Streptomycin method utilizes Quantum Dots modified on the surface of streptomycin to bind with biotinylated proteins. This method has a tight binding and can withstand the effects of extreme pH values, temperatures, organic solvents, and denaturing reagents. The product has good stability.

    Service Details

    EDC-NHS Method

     Custom Quantum Dots Conjugation.png

    1. EDC and NHS are added to the buffer solution in proportion to prepare the EDC-NHS active solution, adjust the pH value, add disperse the quantum dots, and activate the surface of the quantum dots?

    2. Mix the biomacromolecules to be coupled (such as proteins, peptides, etc.) with EDC-NHS active solution in a certain proportion, and let them stand for a certain period of time for crosslinking reaction.

    3. Clean and purify the product to remove unreacted impurities such as EDC and NHS. Ensure the purity of the product. ?

    4. Analyze products to ensure compliance with customer requirements ????


    Biotin-Streptomycin method

     Custom Quantum Dots Conjugation1.png

    1. Combine the protein to be conjugated with biotin to obtain biotinylated protein

    2. Quantum dots modified with streptomycin bind to biotinylated proteins

    3. Clean and purify the reaction product to remove impurities

    4. Analyze products to ensure compliance with customer requirements


    Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

    Targeted drug delivery

    Biological testing


    Cell surface markers


    Cell imaging

    Carrier marking

    Service Highlights

    Convenient and fast

    Customer can select buffer

    Customer can select gold nanoparticle type, size

    Multiple protein antibodies can be selected

    Related Services
    Case Study
    How to order


    Phone: +1 929-202-3014  
