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Custom Gold Nanoparticle Conjugation

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  • Overview

    Service Number£ºASZX001

    Abvigen provides customized Custom Gold Nanoparticle Conjugation services for customers, using various types of gold nanoparticles to form strong bonds with antibodies, proteins, or other biomolecules.

    Abvigen can provide four methods: electrostatic adsorption, chemical coupling, NHS-Activated Gold Nanoparticles method and biotin streptomycin binding method. The electrostatic adsorption method assembles antibodies or proteins onto the surface of gold nanoparticles through electrostatic adsorption by adjusting the surface electrode of the gold nanoparticle buffer. This method is convenient, fast, and does not involve chemical reactions. The chemical coupling method utilizes EDC and NHS reagents to activate the surface of gold nanoparticles and proteins for binding. This method is more controllable and can effectively reduce the impact of steric hindrance on the structure of conjugated proteins. The biotin streptomycin binding method utilizes gold nanoparticles modified with streptomycin surface to bind with biotinylated proteins, resulting in good product stability.The NHS Activated Gold Nanoparticles method use the shipped pre activated Gold Nanoparticles in a coalescence ready format, streamlines the workflow, improves overall conjugate quality.

    Service Details

    Electrostatic adsorption


    1.Add gold nanoparticle dispersion to the protein solution to be coupled, and form a stable protein layer on the surface of gold nanoparticles through electrostatic force

    2. Centrifuge unreacted protein and clean to remove impurities

    3. Analyze products to ensure compliance with customer requirements


    Covalent Coupling (EDC-NHS Method)


    1. EDC and NHS are added to the buffer solution in proportion to prepare the EDC-NHS active solution, adjust the pH value, add disperse the gold nanoparticles, and activate the surface of the gold nanoparticles. 

    2. Mix the biomacromolecules to be coupled (such as proteins, peptides, etc.) with EDC-NHS active solution in a certain proportion, and let them stand for a certain period of time for crosslinking reaction.

    3. Clean and purify the product to remove unreacted impurities such as EDC and NHS. Ensure the purity of the product. 

    4. Analyze products to ensure compliance with customer requirements


    Biotin-Streptomycin method


    1. Combine the protein to be conjugated with biotin to obtain biotinylated protein

    2. Gold nanoparticles modified with streptomycin bind to biotinylated proteins

    3. Clean and purify the reaction product to remove impurities

    4. Analyze products to ensure compliance with customer requirements


    NHS-Activated Gold Nanoparticles method

    1.Increase the temperature of the experimental reagent to room temperature.The protein or antibody was diluted to the appropriate concentration to prepare the protein reaction buffer.

    2. Mix the diluted protein reaction buffer with the dry NHS activated gold nanoparticles evenly, and after mixing for a period of time, add the Quenchant solution to stop the reaction.

    3. Centrifuge to remove impurities and unbound proteins

    4. Analyze products to ensure compliance with customer requirements


    Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay

    Targeted drug delivery

    Biological testing


    Cell surface markers


    Cell imaging

    Service Highlights

    Convenient and fast

    Customer can select buffer

    Customer can select gold nanoparticle type, size

    Multiple protein antibodies can be selected

    Ligand Sourcing

    Sourced by Biotyscience

    Provided by customer





    Our Available Gold Nanoparticles Conjugates

    Biotin Gold Nanoparticles

    Protein A Gold Nanoparticles

    Protein G Gold Nanoparticles

    Transferrin Gold Nanoparticles

    Streptavidin Gold Nanoparticles

    Anti-Goat Gold Nanoparticles

    Anti-Sheep Gold Nanoparticles

    Anti-Human Gold Nanoparticles

    Anti-Mouse Gold Nanoparticles

    Anti-Rabbit Gold Nanoparticles

    Anti-Rat Gold Nanoparticles

    Related Services
    Case Study
    How to order